"Ready to sail, at your word, Admiral" |
Removing tSC, for modesty's sake, from this survey, I'd like to highlight several blogs that have consistently caught my eye. These be "tha' ones t'watch", in my less-than-humble opinion, for their consistent efforts to prepare their fellow captains for the Skyways of Our Spir@l.
Now, by no means is this list exhaustive, and we're always keeping a weather eye on the horizon for new sails, (and if you're a Blog Captain, and you're not seen here, notify me, an' I'll be correcting that), but the blogs listed below have truly sailed to the fore of our Blog Fleet, and have rigorously striven to maintain the momentum and excitement of the announcement of P101 from it's start to the foggy horizon of eventual Beta. Blogs mentioned below (in alphabetic order) are chosen for their creative ability to consistently create and educate the future P101 community, despite the (relatively) limited resources we can bring to bear, atm. This is not to take away from *any* of our Captains on the Blogroll, for all are faithful before the mast, but certain hard-chargers are feverishly chomping at the bit, waiting on KingsIsle's pleasure.
So, without further ado, let's look at our most motivated of Captains:
Which brings me to a related subject, the future of Our Pirate Spir@l. Yes, I know, it's still exceptionally early, but if I've learned anything while doing HiaG, it's to "look forward". Already, we've seen the seed of Community take root, have we not? Knowing "Admiral Friendly" is at the helm makes it so much easier to mentally define.
Community, escpecially n the KingsIsle's waters, it a precious thing. Having sailed many a MMO community, there is none like the W101 Community (believe me, I've looked), and I expect it t'be no different for P101.
We stand at the dawn of a new Era for Our Spir@l, and we should all be looking forward. There's an old saying "When the avalanche starts, it's too late for the snowflakes to vote". In the interest of being pirat-ey, I'm inclined to replace "avalanche" with "floodgates", and "snowflakes" with...um I didn't think that far ahead.
Back on course, it is upon us, the earliest of adopters of Our Spir@l's new facet, to generally agree upon "The Code" of how our Spir@l will be, A "Brethren's Court", as it were. One where all who would stand at the table share a vote. (That means all of us "Blog Captains"). One where, as is proper, Admiral Friendly and KI have the the first (and final) word, but where we who choose to speak loudly all agree on "guidelines". Now these, of course, are mostly common sense, and these promises I make are purely me own, but one's that I believe should be considered, at the very least.
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"they're more like guidelines than actual rules.." |
"I shall keep my personal quarrels with other Captains out of the public eye"
"I shall always remember that we all start out knowing nothing, and only learn by asking"
"I shall view the needs of our community to be paramount to my own"
"I shall embrace views, opposing my own, to be a valid right of my fellow Captains"
"I realize that 'Fun is fun', but not when it's at another Captain's expense."
"The Skyways are big enough for all of us"
"When a Captain is overboard in their actions, it affects all of us"
I'm sure there are many more that can be added, (and will be), over time, but no book is written in a day, and the chronicles of our eventual adventures is only now just beginning. We, collectively, are the authors of a Greater Epic than any of our individual chapters can convey. I, for one, am the Captain of *my* chapter, and I'll not have it tarnished by behavior that can, over time, be looked back upon with disdain or regret. So, as I stand, with quill to ink, I do so undertake these guidelines as my own, lest my own honor be impuned.
"Sail as you will" O Captains, My Captains, and ...
Be Thee Well
EDIT: Feel free to copy/distribute the "Oath" logo, and it's ideals (credit not required), as a Community Ideal that you Captains endorse!