Saturday, April 28, 2012

Calling all Captains!

Well, it's well known that the KingsIsle Fan Community is, without doubt, THE best in any gaming spiral. The explosive growth of fanblogging for games like Wizard101 is a technological leap forward.

I do believe that Pirate101 will be no exception to this, and I'm sending out a Call to all blog-legged Captains that plan of plying the skyways of Our Spir@l.

Simply put, I'm asking for blogroll submissions. I know that *some* people are restricted by NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement), and I'm not looking for blogs that aren't ready for publication. What I'm looking for are those digital scallywags that are unbound by legal constraints, and have set their blogs afloat in the here-and-now.

Why so early? Let Wizard101 answer that for you. We'll all soon be awash in blogs, but for that to happen, we have to know where to look, so I say "Hoist The Colors", and let the (blog)Roll Call begin! Simply comment your blog's URL, and away we go!

Be Well, and may your sails be full!


  1. Could you add to the blogroll? Thanks, and your blog is awesome!

  2. Hello! If we want our blog on the blogroll, how should we go about contacting you?

  3. If we want to be on your blogroll, where should we go about doing that?

  4. Simply give me the url, same way as you asked the question.

    Looking forward to adding you!


Thank your for taking the time to comment at tSC, it's really appreciated! Readers like YOU are why I post! -AutumnalDusk