Friday, June 1, 2012

Heard around Port

Hey there, you Captains.

Captain Duskhunter's overwatch of the Blogport.
I'm sure enough that, by now, you've heard about some of the new concept art added to the Official Pirate 101 website, and that more questions have been answered, since there are many fine blogs, (listed at right), who are keeping us all up-to-date, as the situation warrants, I'll refer you to them. (Remember to leave nice comments. Bloggers like nice comments.)

There's some other art I'd like to make sure you're aware of, as well.

First and foremost, Captain Avery, himself. I *almost* missed his tweet ( @Pirate101_Avery ) , and I'm glad I didn't, because some sleuthing on my part brought me to the "X" that marks his Pinterest page.
Of greatest interest to me, personally, is the art concept covering ship customization, Showing two hull customized with various rudder and , Oh, I  dunno, "sails" doesn't seem to cover it. Be sure to see it!

     Of great joy to me is the dual announcement that my old friend Cassandra Griffindreamer, ( @WitchWarrior ) ,a long-time ally (and inspirational artist) from WitchWarrior101, is coming back to the Spir@l! On top of that, she's teased THIS, hinting at an upcoming story, an all  original, to be based in our upcoming P101 Spir@l. Cassandra has always been the personification of the spark of imagination that KingsIsle inspires. Art and stories abound for all!
Now tSC feels a bit more complete, being able to actively report on "the usual suspects", from 'days of old'. Welcome back, Cassandra!

There is (always) more  to report, but I've got to get myself organized first. It seems I've *yet* to report the same day as news is available, so I'm making sure, (for posterity, if nothing else), to cover things as they best as I can. 

NOT heard, sadly, I was not able to catch Pieces of Eight Radio, (and do so hope for archives) , because, if Ravenwood Radio is any guideline, Po8 ( @ Piecesof8Radio) will be a valuable resource for the P101 Community. Be sure to be more diligent than I, savvy? Missing a live show is like losing a leg... no peg will ever quite match "the real thing".

Be sure to be listening to Po8 Radio, and be sure to follow Pirate 101 on Facebook..and learn things before everyone else. ;)

Be Thee Well.

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